Version 1.2.3 Released
March 3rd, 2012
Version 1.2.3 has been released. Full changelog:
- Synced to MPlayer r34780 and ffmpeg 83c418e68ee5
- Compiled with latest libogc and devkitPPC r25
- Improved network initialization
- Improved music playlist sorting – now it is per-folder (patch by entropy)
- Added playlist reset with minus key (patch by entropy)
- Added a new “Through” setting for music playlists (patch by entropy)
Thanks fer the improvements, Tant!
Thanks Tantric!!!
Great work.
Looks like it’s getting closer to streaming dvd’s over wifi too!
Not sure if there were some network tweaks or anything that may have caused that, or if it was something on my end though
unfortunately the portuguese language has been affected by this version
some words such as transiç?o (transition) are being shown as transi ão or transi o
tilde and cedilla disappear
Thank you. Will update asap and report if any issues crash issues.
i have wiiMC on 2 different wii’s in my house. 1 works fine. the other freezes when trying to load any video files. i raised the cache and lowered it to no avail. im going to downgrade back to 1.2.2 and just deal with the “update available” annoyance every time i start up. you are doing an AMAZING job tho, i thank you whole heartedly for all the effort u put into giving us the best media player ever!! cheers mates!
Excellent stuff, all crisp and clear!
i hit “HOME” while i was playing music and it’s now frozen while the song is playing. the screen is black but the song is still going.
Since when has wiimc been able to play youtube videos at double speed? That is so cool!
updated now wiimc freezes when trying to load any video files. downgrading now 🙁
Thanks again!
Very cool update, thanks so much for keeping updating this. 😀
Yes… freezes (not crashing, just freezes) on every video.
To “solve” it, as usual… DO NOT UPGRADE, just make a fresh new install (keeping your settings if you want).
Lateley, upgrading is not working (lots of problems…) that are usually solved with new install… not very confortable 🙁
Anyway, the problem started few versions ago is still there: can not make it work unless started via homebrew channel. WiiMC channel is still useless (starting WiiMC with its own channle, makes it crash every single video).
Anyhow, GREAT WORK. You save my nights 🙂
Just upgraded from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 and now video files that worked before freeze the wii. About to downgrade 🙁
Unfortunately, the files and menu, Hungarian accented letters are displayed incorrectly also
movie playback is perfect, thank you
it happens tome too…
JUST replaced the upgrade with a new install on my sd and that was it…!!!!
Hi, there is a problem with new update about Turkish special character. is it possible to fix that problem?
still have problem connecting to SMB share on MAC
Could you please integrate a realtime clock, because, when i’m watching movies late night, i would like to see the hour, but i don’t want to get up from bed, take my cellphone or turn on lights only to see the hour, maybe if you can put a clock in wiimc would be great
Since update, Korean language support is wrecked. All the file names are not displaying correctly.
After upgrade I am not able to play any video files and it is not more possible to look picutres and play music at same time (Wii crashes). After downgrade to 1.2.2 it works again without any problems.
Same here too, all videos freeze Wii on opening.
I confirm that this release affects all special characters used in languages like french, german, spanish, potuguese, …
Probably a problem with utf-8 charset conversion.
Can you please fix this bug to a new release ?
Mude a codificação no menu “Legendas” para “ISO-8859-1”.
there is no option to force PAL to NTSC video, please adapt the function
Thank you guys for the update! I have no problems with it! I love, love, love, love it!
The update affected the french lang so the é, è, à… can’t appear. Please fix it.
Thanks for your job.
Hi – I really appreciate all the work done on the wiimc – quality and features of this piece for the short time it had been developed is amazing.
Just wanted to note that with the latest release 123:
1) in youtube search Japanese and other language characters (Russian) displayed as garbage – it would be really nice to be able to see them
2) keyboard does not allow to enter symbols like _ into share names (any chance for other language keyboard 🙂 ? – happy to help with this part if you could tell me where to start )
3) after finding video in youtube search – some videos don’t play (“Error to open file”) on first attempt – need to select video title and wait for 10 seconds, and even then sometimes need to re-try 3-4 times – any chance to figure out why it happens or how to make it a bit more sure thing. Sounds like some sort of timing issue / drop connection issue.
Many many thanks again, Mike.
After uprgrading from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 I can’t see many folders and files on the disk (FAT32)
When I back to 1.2.2 everything is OK.
Excellent update! Has fixed a bunch of network-based issues that I’ve had in the past. Keep up the great work!
The Brazilian portuguese language isn’t correct in this version.
If the file is named “séries” it’s shown “sA:ries”
the subtitles are with this error too, please fix it!!!!
Problems with me too. Pt-br.
When i update wiimc from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3,the Chinese menu show error,and I have the same custom Chinese font file named “zh_cn.ttf” in the Folder.The font file is 2.9MB.However,back to 1.2.2 is OK.
I just opened a issue at bug tracker. All of them are “unconfirmed”. Are you still using that tool?
Chinese menu is error,even i replac the other Chinese font that also is error