Report a Bug

We try to keep WiiMC as stable as possible, but the software is still under development and may not always function perfectly. You may find a bug and, if you do, we kindly ask that you create an issue. But before you do, please follow the steps below:

1) Make sure it’s actually a bug

WiiMC’s features may behave in a way you don’t expect, due to the design decisions our developers have made at the programming level. If this is the case, you may not have found a bug at all! However, if something doesn’t make sense, we want to know. Head to the Forums where you can talk to other users about your suggestions. We check the forums often and will take your comments into consideration. If you’re sure it’s a bug, go to step 2.

2) Check if the bug has already been reported

Before posting your bug report, please check out the Forums and the known issues list to see if the problem has already been noted. Both pages have a search button for you to use. We prefer to keep each discussion in one place so our developers have an easier time reviewing the feedback. If your bug has already been reported, please review the corresponding thread and add any new information you can provide. But if you’ve found a new bug, please proceed to step 3.

3) Submit a bug report

If you create a new issue, please fill in as much information as you can. The more detail, the better! Our developers need to reproduce your error in order to fix it. We may need to get in touch with you to clarify your report, so please be prepared to answer questions. Please note that you must be logged on to submit a ticket. If you don’t have a login, you can register.

4) Send a sample file

If your problem relates to video playback, picture display, audio, or subtitles, please attach a sample file. Make the file as small as possible and ensure that it reproduces the error. You can use an audio/video cutting application such as PartCopy, MEncoder, VirtualDub, or Avidemux. The Bug Tracker has an upload limit of 8MB. If your file is larger, you can use a file hosting site like MediaFire.

5) Be patient

Thanks for your submission! We appreciate you taking the time to help us refine WiiMC. We will try to address your problem as soon as we can. In the meantime, please wait patiently for our feedback. We address each issue in priority sequence, so we might not get to yours right away. But we haven’t forgotten you, we promise.


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