Home > News > Version 1.2.8 Released

Version 1.2.8 Released

June 10th, 2012
Version 1.2.8 has been released. Full changelog:

  • Synced to MPlayer r34991 and ffmpeg 44c10168cff4
  • Greatly improved SMB file browsing speed
  1. germania
    June 16th, 2012 at 07:29 | #1

    Fixed for me out of HBC, the channel goes to a black screen though.

  2. rodries
    June 16th, 2012 at 07:53 | #2

    this beta can only be executed from HBC, has experimental changes
    Probably photo menu is not working properly
    The beta it’s only for testing smb issue only


  3. germania
    June 16th, 2012 at 08:12 | #3

    Thanks, I figured as much. Trying to play a video over SMB, it seems to throw a DSI exception after about 5-10 minutes of playback, on videos I know were working fine previously. Not sure if this is related or not. Browing SMB shares is lightning fast though!

  4. rodries
    June 16th, 2012 at 08:26 | #4

    Uhmm, weird
    I’ve tested smb changes for 2 hours and no error. Maybe is related to my mem2 experiments. Can you send me the DSI exception to my email? rodries at wiimc.org

  5. germania
    June 16th, 2012 at 09:39 | #5

    I’m just headed out for an hour or two, but I will make it happen again, take a photo of my TV and email you a link

    As soon as I’ve duplicated the DSI exception for rodries I’ll try this beta out and let you know.

    As it seems you’re both “around” right now, I’d just like to say a genuine and heartfelt thanks for all your efforts building this application. I know neither of you pull a pay cheque from this project, but I’ve personally had hours and hours of entertainment from it. I’m expecting a small windfall in the next week or so, I’ll try to aside a few bucks to paypal you both a few beers.

  6. rodries
    June 16th, 2012 at 09:58 | #6

    The important beta is from Tantric because it’s gona be the official.
    My beta has too much experimental code to be official, and I need to review the channel loader.

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