Make number of restore points a setting in WiiMC

Home Forums Feature Suggestions Make number of restore points a setting in WiiMC

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    I really like the restore point feature. I just want there to be more entries in the restore_points file. From what I see, it looks like there are only 50 at the moment. The way I use WiiMC, it would be more useful to make that a few hundred instead.

    After reading what goes on in the code of WiiMC for saving restore points, I see that it calls an mplayer function. And they have a #define for the maximum amount of restore points. (MAX_RESTORE_POINTS)

    So it seems that we have three options: either change the mplayer interface (but I’m not sure what WiiMC’s policy is on that). Request that mplayer change it on their side. Or completely change the way WiiMC saves restore points, perhaps overwriting using its own file?

    What do you guys think?


    You might want to use WIIMC+ which already has that feature and many more.


    That restore points code is actually a WiiMC addition to mplayer, it’s not present upstream. Rather than forcing a limit of 50 or asking the user what they would like the limit to be, that code should be rewritten to remove the limitation (make the list dynamic). This is an example of “WiiMC+” taking the wrong approach to solve a problem.


    No, its another example of WIIMC+ not attempting to rewrite or modify the WIIMC design but rather to extend the functionality of WIIMC with an optional enhancement based on the existing WIIMC design, so as to ensure the greatest compatibility between the two implementations, and so as not to introduce bugs exclusive to WIIMC+. If and when WIIMC makes its Restore Points dynamic then WIIMC+ will do the same, just as it did when the browser was rewritten.


    @jhb50 wrote:

    No, its another example of WIIMC+ not attempting to rewrite or modify the WIIMC design but rather to extend the functionality of WIIMC with an optional enhancement based on the existing WIIMC design, so as to ensure the greatest compatibility between the two implementations, and so as not to introduce bugs exclusive to WIIMC+. If and when WIIMC makes its Restore Points dynamic then WIIMC+ will do the same, just as it did when the browser was rewritten.

    Instead make a non optimal solution, why not improve wiimc so we can port it?
    I like some of your ideas, but the implementation is not optimal. For example we have rewritten the file browser in a better way to improve the space memory, so if you improve restore points in a similar way we can port it to official wiimc.
    At now I’m very busy at job, but when I ‘ll have some free time I’ll try to discuss with you and Tantric the port of some of your ideas.
    I think a good idea is make 1 patch for 1 improvement so we can analyze and discuss with you one by one.


    I appreciate your note but unfortunately it’s a little late for that. I kept the first 20 enhancements separate but there has never been any interest shown in their incorporation, and in fact the responses I received to suggestions was so negative to any outside ideas that I gave up trying.

    I appreciate all the work you guys have put into the “middle ware” and your continuing focus on correcting the bugs I have reported. By only building on your design I have pretty much kept the enhancements separate from your code and have not had to worry about conflicts when merging with the SVN’s, but because they were never accepted into the SVN’s, the enhancements are now interrelated and not separable into individual patches.

    So bottom line is you guys continue to be free to change WIIMC to be the way you want it, and I continue to be able to extend it but not change it.


    I agree with Rodries. I think your plus version has interesting improvements (e.g. from the simple but useful “Confirm exit” or “Check Update”, to the more complex dynamic player control) and it would be nice to have some of them in the “official” release. Even if I didn’t see your code, I think it would be worthwhile to isolate some relevant enhancement from your patched version, improve the code if needed and merge it into the official wiimc …Of course this is just my humble opinion…


    Maybe jhb50 or clava can create a new thread in forum to select 2 or 3 enhacements to port them, something like a thread to vote the enhacements to port.
    Then jhb50, clava, Tantric and me can discuss the port.
    At now I’m busy porting/cleaning gx_supp.c code from Extrems (mpce) but I’ll be glad to help to add some enhacements from wiimc plus.


    Hope not to derail this topic further but since we’re already talking about incorporating WiiMC+ features into WiiMC I’d like to see a recently added or file sorting option similar to that of WiiMC+ added to WiiMC.

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