Retail DVD playback failure

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    I’ve been using WiiMC since it’s release, and have been very happy with it. Recently, I’ve run into several DVDs that come up as ‘invalid dvd’. I know early on there were many DVDs that did not play or you had to skip the menu, etc, but I hadn’t had these problems for a while. I feel certain that one of the DVDs I’m having issue with had worked before. I went back to 1.1.6 and it still isn’t playing. Some DVDs do work fine, so I’m a bit confused as to the problem. Specific titles I’m having problems with are Super Mario Bros (say what you want, I thought it was a good take on the game :P) and Spartacus (the Starz series). Neither are HDDVD or anything like that, and SMB is the one I was pretty sure had played before, but it’s been a while since I’ve watched it, but only since the beginning of the year. I will probably try going back to a version from earlier this year and see what happens, but I’d hate to have to lose being able to point at the menu buttons. Anyway, is anyone else having problems with some DVDs, or do I need to consider that I need to clean my drive lens, and how should I go about that? Would it be ok to use a standard DVD lens cleaner, or could I possibly break something?

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