Small bug in auto play

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    Its not that bad, but after about three hours of playback instead of going to the next video it went back to the folder as if it finished playing all the videos. Yet there where still many more videos in the folder. As I said its not the end of the world but its a minor annoyance when playing back a season of a show.

    Any way you guys do great work even better then anything Nintendo probably could


    How many videos was that? It’s only set to play at most 20.


    Why most 20 ?
    The majority of a, say a season of a TV show is 22 episodes.
    And many of them even have 23-24 episodes.


    I was playing a folder with well over 50 videos I tend to like to set it up so it plays all day for the background noise while I get school work and other stuff done and there nothing good on at all on basic cable. Its not so bad, at least I dont need to make a .pls of all the videos in a folder like I did with MplayerCE 😕


    You’re going to watch a whole season in one sitting?! You really need to get off the couch. I have to put a limit somewhere, I just picked 20 because I thought it would be high enough.


    Well I am probably am an exception to what most people are using wiiMC for. I like making playlists or folders full of stuff to keep me company when on the computer studying for school or just surfing. I also have hours of video podcasts that I like to playback and such. Oh well I just go back to streaming broadcasts all day :lol:. Although I would like to see this as something the end user could configure rather then being hardcoded into the program, I respect your decision and am just glad you even put the time and effort into making such a fantastic program for free. Also thanks for taking your time and responding to my posts I really appreciate it.


    I agree 20 is a small limit, for example if you play videos clips… 20 is like around 1h of playback… 😕

    Maybe you can retrieve the number of items in the folder and input that dynamically as limit 💡

    And for our friend who watches a full season in a row, get a life !!! 😉


    It won’t fit 2000 items, that’s the point. Name a higher limit and I’ll consider it. 50?


    50 is enough fore me if you could do that that would be fantastic 😀

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