Some WiiMC questions

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    is there anyway to like in the simulator view in wiimc ? and with that said i see the online media is pointing to to a .php file is there any kinda of source for this file ? i would be interested having my own that i can edit at will on my computer without haveing to run back and forth to grab my sd card ..

    also is there any guides for the onlinemedia.xml file IE are there any attributes that are usable in this file that is not currently in there ?



    I cant help you with the crackle or php questions, but I can tell you how to edit files on the SD witout having to get up from your computer (assuming you can operate your wii from where your computer is).

    If you are on a network, you can access your computer from the wii through the program WiiXplorer. You can setup a FTP or SMB (easier/better) connection, then you can transfer files to and from your SD card.

    For example, you can setup a SMB share for your computer, copy “onlinemedia.xml” to your clipboard (in WiiXplorer), then paste it onto your computer. Edit and save the file, then cut and paste back onto the SD card. Works great.

    You can access any USB drives you have connected to the wii also. File transfer speeds are around 435KB/s from my laptop to my wii usb drive, so transferring a 700mb movie file would take 20-30 minutes… but the option is there. Ethernet may be faster if you have an adapter for your wii.

    Hope this saves you hundreds of trips to and from the computer like it has for me.



    I had the same problem so one of my enhancements was to save and load the onlinemedia.xml file from the PC. Works great and I can edit and reload WIIMC+ without touching the WII.


    Hey Folks,

    I haven’t been here in a long time but time has finally caughten up with me, so here I am again.

    As for processor support for Crackle or anything else we have in Navi-X for WiiMC, UNTIL we get hosting for the new “processor interpreter” setup we were supposed to work on and get the coder to do his magic, we are at a stand still on development for Navi-X on WiiMC. When I get these issues resolved, you all will see tons more support for Navi-X on WiiMC at that time.

    Crackle uses rtmp:// so if WiiMC supports this then technically it is doable on WiiMC. If it doesn’t support this container, then it doesn’t work on WiiMC… simple science.

    Will look into this when we get our other developments going first.



    I’ve done some work to add RTSP/RTMP to WiiMC, but hit a roadblock because the network implementation of libogc is incomplete. Unless/until it is completed, you won’t see rtsp/rtmp/rtp support in WiiMC.


    Thanks for the quick answer Tantric… you guys are the new focus for me and some of the team. Talk to you all again when I get the ball rolling soon.



    any other news on rtsp? or still the same…


    No-one has done any further work on this.


    So Tantric… is it still not possible to squeeze the Navi-X NIPL libs into WiiMC so we can make processors work? Were you able to shorten the WiiMC package to make room for any other libs or no? Thanks.



    That would require a python interpreter being added to WiiMC. It’s hard to know how possible it is unless/until someone actually tries it (and that someone won’t be me). Python has already been ported to Wii once – – so it’s not a completely far-fetched idea.

    Really though when this idea was suggested, I suggested a better idea would be to convert the Python scripts to C/C++.


    Tantric… are there any amateur developers who you can suggest who would be willing to try this perhaps? Apparently neither of us can bridge the devide, but perhaps someone in your community is feeling froggy. Thanks.


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