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  • #23639

    For the first time I have installed Wiimc, today, latest version.

    The first avi moving played but the navigation menu (play, forward and so on) on the screen stays.

    While registering to this website, suddenly it’s gone, it took a while.

    Is there a way to do it manually ??


    If I understand correctly, you let WiiMC playing and it hide the controls bar… perfectly normal… just press a key on your Wiimote to turn it on again and point it at the screen, the controls/navigation bar should appear.

    Now point it out of the screen, the controls/navigation bar should disappear, point it at the screen again and take a look at what happens… already understood how it works? 😀

    Now let your Wiimote be “quiet” (don’t touch it, don’t point it a the screen) for 30 seconds and it should turn off, press a key to turn it on again. This is to save battery, if you don’t want it you can disable it in settings.


    Or press 1 to toggle it on/off

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