WiiMC+ Forwarder/Channel Now Available

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  • #24037

    WIIMC+ Channel

    Through the efforts of emerkamp amd mrgreg there are now 2 WIIMC+ Channel solutions available as attached.

    The first “WiiMC-Plus Forwarder Channel v1.wad” by emerkamp, is based on the standard WIIMC channel and provides the same animated graphics, with the image changed to WIIMC+ and the dol link changed to WIIMC-Plus. It requires 16 blocks.

    The second, “WiiMC+ Forwarder Channel v1.wad” by mrgreg, is based on Dimok’s wiixplorer channel, uses a static WIIMC+ graphic, links to WIIMC-Plus and willl support 2+ TB drives with physical sector size greater than 512 to a maximum of 4096. It requires 11 blocks.

    Both solutions will load the boot.dol contained in the apps/wiimc-plus directory and consist of a wad file that must be installed with a wad manager. Most wad managers eg: WAD Manager 1.7 load from a wad subdirectory on the SD card or HDD and require the availability of a modified IOS with the Truncha bug (eg:IOS236), however if you do not have a modified IOS, WII MOD 1.3 contains a wad manager that uses IOS58 and ABHPROT just like WIIMC rather than IOS236, which will load wads from a wad subdirectory on either the SD Card or from the PC via SMB (Note it cannot load the wad from the HDD).

    After installing your choice of WAD manager in the apps subdirectory, place the WIIMC+ channel wad(s) in a wad subdirectory on the sd card, hdd or smb root, and proceed with installation. If using SMB with WII MOD, the wiimod.txt file must first be edited to contain your smb values. My edited wiimod.txt file is also attached.

    Both channels and the standard WIIMC channel coexist, so you may install them both and pick the one you prefer.

    Post any questions in this thread.


    I tried the first one using Wad manager and ios 236, it says there was an error and it didn’t install.



    What error did you receive when installing the first one. Did you try the second one? If so did it also generated and error?


    If you are recieving an error then you either,1.do not have a patched ios236 or 2. Did not select it to use for installing the wad at the begining.
    Either run a system check on your ios’s to see witch one is patched with trucha bug or use the 2nd option jhb50 stated above.Using Wiimod in ABPROT mode.


    my mistake, got it working. must have punched something wrong. thanks all.

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