WiiMC suddenly only detects SD (not USB, DVD)

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    i’m using WiiMC for about 1-2 years now to play movies from an external hdd.
    one day, it stopped detecting the usb hdd, but also the internal dvd drive doesn’t show up in the list!
    i can only choose to play files from the SD-card, and occassionally (very rare, but it happens) the internal dvd will appear also..
    allready updated WiiMC, changed to the 2nd usb port, without difference…

    any ideas?



    I don’t understand your problem.The internal DvD drive is not in the list,you start the internal drive by clicking the dvd icon on the top.
    Remember that wiimc always starts where you left off.So when you click videos you may have to back out to the root,to be able to see your USB Mass Storage device.


    normally it starts where you have left off, true..
    but when go keep going back you have a list to choose the source (sd, usb, ..) if i remember correct, there used to be 3 or 4 sources to choose from (which included dvd), now the only one left is sd-card…



    The Dvd option you are probally thinking of is data dvd,and only shows up when you have a data dvd in the slot.Same with the usb mass storage option,only shows when usb device is plugged in.Do you still have the
    line in your meta.xml file.This line has to be in the meta.xml file to put you in ABPROT mode.You won’t have dvd access without it.It may also affect your usb device,but i’m not certian.
    If other apps can read your usb,but wiimc can not,I would try a fresh install of all wiimc files.

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