Home > News > Version 1.0.9 Released

Version 1.0.9 Released

August 18th, 2010

Another day, another release? Hopefully this doesn’t become a trend. Version 1.0.9 has been released to fix the bug with USB drives not showing up. If you’re using the channel, you must be sure to have the latest channel (1.4) installed for this to work.

I’m not guaranteeing this works for everyone. If you have problems, discuss them on the forum or go back to an older version. This will be the last update for awhile.

  1. rde
    August 24th, 2010 at 11:44 | #1

    Is it just me or do playlist files not show up anymore ? I had some webstream urls in a .pls playlist on my sd and they don’t show up anymore. I made an .m3u playlist of it and that does not show up either. Any ideas why ?

  2. OFF
    August 24th, 2010 at 22:09 | #2

    v1.0.9: audio sync problems.
    v1.0.8: won’t detect my hdd.
    v1.0.7: works fine.

  3. walter
    August 25th, 2010 at 06:22 | #3

    Hello, first I want to thank all the people related to this fantastic project!!
    I have one problem or suggestion, because I don´t know if it´s only my problem or something not implemented or fixed in the version 1.09
    when I try to load a DVD image .iso file from an external NTFS drive, the Wii MC load it, but not the DVD menu, it goes directly to the videos.
    so, it´s possible to load the .iso dvd image and also see the menu as in a normal dvd and select options from this menu (like audio, chapter, etc)
    thanks again, Walter.

  4. OFF
    August 25th, 2010 at 07:09 | #4

    Well, I was falling asleep last night when I commented here…
    In a very rude fashion I forgot to THANK YOU for your hard work and the time spent in this great app.
    We all appreciate it very much.
    So… here it goes… THANK YOU TANTRIC!

  5. Air
    August 26th, 2010 at 15:22 | #5

    It seems as though it can’t process over around 670 songs in a playlist, it just says there are too many to add.

  6. Tantric
    August 26th, 2010 at 15:34 | #6

    That means it ran out of memory. What do you expect? The Wii only has so much.

  7. triforce88
    August 28th, 2010 at 07:10 | #7

    the 1.0.4 is the best version, other version have a bug or error

  8. Ed
    August 28th, 2010 at 07:18 | #8

    If I conf the video cache to 100%, Wiimc will download the entire video(from a pc share) to the SD card ?

  9. mediaplayer
    August 28th, 2010 at 11:46 | #9

    Well i tryied to play a .mkv file (420p) but the audio is not right whit the video and it keeps lagging

    Sorry my english sucks badly

  10. innuendo
    August 29th, 2010 at 09:51 | #10

    .Flv on dvd doesn’t work!, DVD bugs and bugs!

    .pls doesn’t work!!

    it would be great if radio stations could be bookmarked

  11. Mike
    August 29th, 2010 at 11:29 | #11

    Try v. 1.06 – 1.07 – 1.08 – 1.09 !
    with 1.06 : works fine
    1.07 : delay audio
    1.08 : don’t detect my hdd
    1.09 : delay audio

    So put 1.06 !

    possible to haven’t message to update ?

  12. innuendo
    August 29th, 2010 at 23:33 | #12

    bugs and bugs:

    Audio delay on SDHC
    Audio delay on SMB
    Audio delay on DVD

    flv and avi.

  13. Matthijs
    August 30th, 2010 at 04:40 | #13

    Excellent job guys!

    It works perfect and it looks amazing!
    Only one thing.. in the last update im experiencing some audio/video sync problems as well..
    Can this be fixed?
    Thnx! and keep up the good work!

  14. Dalek
    August 30th, 2010 at 10:15 | #14

    I have problem whit syncronisation audio and video when play avi!!!

  15. True
    August 30th, 2010 at 12:03 | #15

    Not sure if this is the correct place to ask about this, but after I got the 1.09 update, I was trying to connect to a SMB share on a friend’s computer. WiiMC crashed, which is no big deal, but now my wii won’t boot up. I turn it on and it’s just a black screen. Any ideas, anyone?

  16. August 31st, 2010 at 14:25 | #16


    new version have a bug, the best is 1.0.4

  17. shellkicker
    August 31st, 2010 at 16:20 | #17

    hey awesome job you guys rock thats why i hate to ask ya to add to a already perfect app but how bout gbm and dsm support play movies on ds with those files be nice to take out of ds pop it in the wii and roll to every onelse out there play-yan rocks too

  18. Matthijs
    August 31st, 2010 at 23:25 | #18

    Dalek :
    I have problem whit syncronisation audio and video when play avi!!!

    Yep, me too with AVI. After a couple of minutes of watching the delay is getting bigger and bigger. I think I have to downgrade again….

  19. September 1st, 2010 at 09:55 | #19

    I have to rollback to 1.0.7

    1.0.8 – Issue with USB pendrive
    1.0.9 – USB pendrive issue fixed but, rmvb audio delay =/

    Thanks! ^^

  20. Cool Canuck
    September 4th, 2010 at 02:41 | #20

    hi folks,

    i downloaded the latest release 1.0.9 and installed- but it still says it is version 1.0.4 – not only that but also keeps saying new version update available – when i downlaod, unzip and install latest version, it still says it is version 1.0.4 and stll pop up screen comes up and says new upgrade available.

    i can read at the top of this that tantric says that latest 1.4 channel must be installed – is this where i am going wrong?
    what is channel 1.4 ?

    help and comments appreciated.


  21. Cool Canuck
    September 4th, 2010 at 14:35 | #21

    hello again,

    further to my above comment – i got it to work from HBC – it is definitely 1.0.9
    i removed the old wad, installed the 1.4 chanel – but although it shows up in system menu when i click on it – it tries to load but then just reverts back to menu
    any idea how the channel can be set up to work

    also, i still have the Mplayer Ce with wad – could ther be some sort of conflict issue?


  22. luvWii
    September 5th, 2010 at 15:51 | #22

    i cant play DVDs, why is that? does the DVDs has to be original? cuz i only have copied but all dvd players can play copied dvds so i dont think its that. and another thing, how do u play divx or avi from cd/dvd? i can only play them from my usb.
    someone help me plz?

  23. Serious
    September 5th, 2010 at 20:48 | #23

    How do you use the wiimc installer? it restarts the wii when i click on the channel

  24. serious too!!
    September 6th, 2010 at 11:53 | #24

    my wii restarts too when i click on the channe!! help plz 🙁

  25. ShadicSlash
    September 6th, 2010 at 19:27 | #25

    Im new with that but when I load it from the HB, I always got black screens… all versions I tried same things.

  26. Rafael
    September 7th, 2010 at 08:59 | #26

    I have problems with flv videos desync on smb share…i try the 1.0.9, .8 e .7 and sthill the problem…

  27. yes.wii.can.be
    September 9th, 2010 at 15:02 | #27

    @serious too!!
    Same channel 1.4 restarts Wii, but 1.0.9 through HomeBrew works fine!
    But I want the channel to work, because leaving HomeBrew channel available is to harmfull for the children to brick it.

  28. LightyKD
    September 9th, 2010 at 23:16 | #28

    I keep getting the Invalid Disc message when I try to load a Data disc. I did install IOS 222 (for ULoader) and 202 (thought it would help) earlier but everything except playing data disc seem to be running perfectly. Anything I could do or will I have to wait till the next update?

  29. HongKongWii
    September 16th, 2010 at 04:22 | #29

    Thanks for your great work!! Will it support Mpeg-1 encoded video in the coming version?

  30. Jotz
    September 19th, 2010 at 16:52 | #30

    Hi, can you use the same compatibility of homebrew channel using ios58 in your app. Using cios 202 or ios58 in any version of wiimc don’t recognize my hdd, but if i uninstall the ios 58 or the 202 in the old versions it works.

  31. Ed
    September 20th, 2010 at 11:12 | #31

    Is there a new release coming anytime soon? Will be one release per month (average) ?

  32. Mixmasterdylan
    September 20th, 2010 at 11:34 | #32

    Ok i updated runing ios 58 and mc takes about an hour to load a dvd will play off usb but audio and video are not in sync im using an older wii i realy whant to make this work mplayer ce works perfectly but wont read the dvd menu maby someone can help

  33. Mixmasterdylan
    September 20th, 2010 at 11:35 | #33

    @serious too!!
    did you intall the actual app on the hbc and the chanel you have to do both

  34. PETER
    September 20th, 2010 at 12:44 | #34


  35. PETER
    September 20th, 2010 at 12:47 | #35


    HELPP ME!!!

  36. Mixmasterdylan
    September 20th, 2010 at 17:51 | #36

    also when a dvd does decide to play its slow and choppy love your work not hating just wondering how to fix this awesome media center

  37. Gabriele
    September 22nd, 2010 at 00:30 | #37

    I have the 1.0.6 and the 1.09 installed and the last version of ios58, but I observe that the movie is played better in the 1.0.6 (I’m speaking about the video) … in the earlyer post I read that this is know because the code was writter for the “old” ios, so do u plan to solve this gap?

    Thanx Gabriele

  38. Leo Daneels
    September 22nd, 2010 at 14:51 | #38

    I’ve a little problem.
    When I play a DVD with WIIMCplayer 1.09 launched via homebrew channel, then everything is OK.
    If I launch the player via the WIIMC channel, then he can’t read the same DVD !
    I reinstalled the channel but the problem stays. I’ve controlled also the setting and versions of both and they are the same.
    Where can be the difference ?

  39. Pabedap
    September 23rd, 2010 at 06:15 | #39

    My video playback over SMB works for about 10-15mins, then freezes. Only way to clear it is to perform a hard reboot of the Wii. Does anyone else have this issue? Playback of the same files from the SD card works no problem.

  40. Chris
    September 24th, 2010 at 00:24 | #40

    Hi all, and thanks for your work. WiiMC is a great homebrew but… I got some problems with HDD detection.
    In fact, I launch WiiMC and I can go through folders but after a short time I got an error message and it’s like my HDD wasn’t detected anymore.
    But after a short time again : IT’S MAGIC!!! He’s back!
    I don’t know if it comes from that, but I don’t have last versions of cIOS. Could it be the real problem?

  41. jmaeshawn
    September 24th, 2010 at 18:38 | #41

    WiiMC doesn’t use cIOS as of 1.0.7, so that’s probably not what’s causing your problems.

  42. Chris
    September 26th, 2010 at 04:34 | #42

    Ok… Yesterday I tried with a USB key and no problem. I tried everything to make it crash but I didn’t succeed.
    The only conclusion I can make is my HDD is not correctly supported
    Is the reading better when drive is formated in FAT?
    In fact, I think it won’t solve my problem beacause I think it’s material. (HDD Western Digital My Passport 1To)
    Thanks for your homebrew

  43. fcasals
    September 28th, 2010 at 12:43 | #43

    @serious too!!
    reinstall, but the 1.2 channel instead

  44. elonzo
    October 5th, 2010 at 17:25 | #44

    Im in major need of help ; everytime I click on the wiimc channel it sends me rite bakk to the system menu

  45. Russ
    October 6th, 2010 at 05:39 | #45

    Try reinstalling the channel.

  46. Tantric
    October 7th, 2010 at 13:14 | #46

    Make sure you have IOS58 installed.

  47. Jax
    November 16th, 2010 at 10:31 | #47

    where can we get the channel installer 1.2? the official download list no longer include that. channel installer 1.4 and 1.5 both installs the channel, but when I start the WiiMC channel from the main screen, it restarts my wii.

    1.4 installed on IOS61
    uninstalled afterwards (just in case if you think that I have both of them installed)
    1.5 installed on IOS38
    now uninstalled as it doesn’t do anything to me but reboots my wii.

  48. Jax
    November 16th, 2010 at 16:58 | #48

    I have just installed IOS58 and finally understood what IOS58 does, WIIMC does run from the Channel list now, but just stuck on ‘Loading, please wait’ screen…. >.<

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