Home > News > Version 1.1.0 Released

Version 1.1.0 Released

October 8th, 2010
Version 1.1.0 has been released along with an updated WiiMC Channel. If you are using an older channel, you must upgrade or WiiMC may hang. The changelog may not seem overly long but this release represents a huge amount of time invested into improving the stability and performance of WiiMC. Full changelog:

  • Synced to MPlayer r32341
  • Fixed a crash that happened if your router was turned off
  • Fixed “blank listing” issue for SMB
  • Improved memory management, resulting in improved performance
  • Improved USB compatibility and speed
  • USB bug fixes
  • NTFS bug fixes
  • Fixed audio sync regression from 1.0.9
  • Change YouTube default to 480p
  • Fixed “vanishing pointer” issue when watching CPU-intensive videos
  • Improved shuffle for music
  • Channel updated (improved USB compatibility)
  • Other miscellaneous bug fixes/improvements
  1. kibek
    October 29th, 2010 at 07:58 | #1

    you asked the same question on the forum, got an answer by tantric on the forum and a few hours later you complain again here…
    tantric told you it’s not supported and you still think, you overlooked something?

  2. Lorenz
    October 31st, 2010 at 11:31 | #2

    Soft sub compatibility would reaally make my day

  3. Lorde_loki
    November 1st, 2010 at 09:46 | #3

    Woa, thanks for making this updades so fast i mean…

    my version was 1.0 then today i conected to internet and warned me that was a updade, but now i see, WAS A BUNCH OF THEN! thats great, i cant wait to try it out, outstanding soldier!

  4. Adolf1994
    November 1st, 2010 at 14:18 | #4

    Improving this homebrew is great, BUT (this is a big BUT) this release still lack the solution of the problem, when I add an ftp share, it totally mess up the settings.

  5. Rignus
    November 2nd, 2010 at 06:29 | #5

    My old USB HDD crashed and had to get a new one, currently useing LACIE Minimus 1TB USB and this one isnt being picked up by WiiMC but my original one was working fine :S any help?

  6. firedante
    November 3rd, 2010 at 02:36 | #6

    Im new here and this is the first time i use WiiMC Ver.1.1.0. It works GREAT and i love it. Only problem i have is that i dont have the “WiiMC Channel” help anyone,, thank´s all

  7. sonknuck23
    November 7th, 2010 at 19:35 | #7

    WHy is it that whenever there’s an update it never works and I have to wait for ANOTHER update. Still running 1.0.9, 1.1.0 doesn’t work, it just shows my SD Card and when I try to choose anything else it says “Saving. . ” and crashes.


  8. know-l
    November 8th, 2010 at 03:19 | #8

    The new shuffle is G R E A T!
    Thank you so much!

  9. nicky
    November 11th, 2010 at 02:46 | #9

    Hi, WiiMC 1.1.0 is the best. Anyway I found 3 problems.

    1) When using network shared folder, WiiMC remember the last folder it is in. On next start, if the shared folder no longer exists, it would crash. The only way to resolve is to edit the config file and remove the last folder setting.

    2) When playing a MKV file with subtitle encoded in, the subtitle is not displayed. However if the subtitle is in another file, it will be displayed correctly.

    3) WiiMC always tries to load the config file from SD and then USB. It would be great if WiiMC tries to load the config from where it is started. I found this a problem because sometimes WiiMC seems to be unable to initialize the USB (WiiMC is started from USB). Because of this, WiiMC creates a config file in the SD (I have both SD inserted and USB connected). The next time I start WiiMC, it gives the effect that all the settings are gone but actually instead of loading the config from USB, it read from the SD (new config created due to missing USB). To solve this, I can either delete the config from SD or remove the SD when starting WiiMC.

  10. Alen
    November 19th, 2010 at 01:17 | #10

    Can i play divx movie with subtitle (.txt .sub) ??

  11. Rob
    November 20th, 2010 at 08:23 | #11

    Been running this for a while now, had difficulty with the update, till I actually read the instructions. Once installed properly works great on SMB share with no crashes.

    Online media also great fun to browse after a few beers 😉

    Seriously – Keep up the good work!

  12. November 22nd, 2010 at 17:30 | #12

    I like this update but the Auto-Play feature stopped working. Adding the youtube search engine was a cool bonus. I would like hulu to be added as well if you can manage it, I will love it forever.

  13. aftermath
    November 24th, 2010 at 23:06 | #13

    Auto-play isn’t working for me either. :/ Any way for fix it?

  14. mOOnSlide
    November 30th, 2010 at 14:57 | #14

    Hi !
    Very, very, very Good Job for WiiMC ! thanks a lot for this very good application !

  15. Nile
    November 30th, 2010 at 16:10 | #15


    I had a similar problem it may have to do with your hard drive and not being safely removed, when disconnecting your hard drive make sure you check your task bar and safely remove the usb device. I have found that if this isn’t done then wiimc won’t recognize that there is a drive.

    also having troubles of my own with the image, the edges of the image are cut off and there is a diagonal glitch in the image. the chunk is always about 1 or 2 frames behind. The older versions never had this problem, everything else works great.

    Keep up the good work 🙂

  16. Jason
    December 14th, 2010 at 16:37 | #16

    I Downloaded Wiimc works in homebrew. Also downloaded Wiimc channel installer from homebrew browser and it will not install? I have IOS58 installed and have used pimp my wii to update all the IOS’s. Does anyone know a fix to this? when I try to install the wiimc channel it just says “installation failed” right away?? I’ve tried many things and nothing has worked!! PLEASE HELP!!! I am running 4.1U

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