Home > News > Version 1.0.9 Released

Version 1.0.9 Released

August 18th, 2010

Another day, another release? Hopefully this doesn’t become a trend. Version 1.0.9 has been released to fix the bug with USB drives not showing up. If you’re using the channel, you must be sure to have the latest channel (1.4) installed for this to work.

I’m not guaranteeing this works for everyone. If you have problems, discuss them on the forum or go back to an older version. This will be the last update for awhile.

  1. Chebico
    August 18th, 2010 at 13:46 | #1

    Everything’s working fine for me now!..
    USB NTFS getting picked up fine.

    Thanks alot

  2. August 18th, 2010 at 14:07 | #2

    wowowowowo i just finish testing this new update simply amazin ! its faster no issue for me (wii 4.3wan, ciosx rev20. ios58 hbc 1.0.8) thanks again guys for this great FREE player

  3. IrSasquatch
    August 18th, 2010 at 14:57 | #3

    Hey, everything working well now thanks Tantric! Is it possible to make the channel installer downloadable via the Homebrew Browser? Over 80,000 people have used HBB to download Wiimc, according to their stats, so I imagine there a lots of users who have Wiimc, but know nothing about the very useful System Menu channel. Personally, it would make it easier for me to update my (very non-technical) friend’s Wiis that I have installed Wiimc on; just instructions instead of them having to mess around with files and sd cards. Thanks again!

  4. notanotherscratcheddvd
    August 18th, 2010 at 15:16 | #4

    Must have been a bit frustrating over the last couple of days for you.

    Thanks for your efforts.

    I’m on v.1.0.9 with channel installer 1.4 now, and no problems to report with my smb delivered mp4 collection.

  5. Maelstrom
    August 18th, 2010 at 15:26 | #5

    Just installed the new update with the new channel installer. USB drive not picked up using the channel however works fine from HBC

  6. ERK
    August 18th, 2010 at 16:31 | #6

    Tantric>> This update fixed everything for me 🙂 Thank you so much for all your hard work!! All I need now is for the emulators to work properly with the new ios58. VBAgx, FCE Ultra GX and Snes9x GX all have problems with finding my disk. They find it after a few “RETRY”, but after a few game loads I get a crash or a new forced retry’s…

    Do you need to fix the same thing in them that you did in WIIMC? (Probably a stupid question).

    Thank you for the FREE software – you rock!!!!

  7. Ed
    August 18th, 2010 at 16:39 | #7

    I tried to watch True.Blood.S03E09.HDTV.XviD-FQM (released a few days ago) on 1.0.9 but it runs really slow. Async video(slow video) and audio (normal audio). Then I re-installed the 1.0.7 and know everything runs ok! Is it possible to add SHADOW to the subtitles font ?? Like front=white, shadow=black.
    Thks in advance!

  8. ERK
    August 18th, 2010 at 16:58 | #8

    Correction: Snes9x GX actually runs ok.

  9. xiochanik
    August 18th, 2010 at 17:57 | #9

    i have the same issue that ed
    with all my video files but with 1.0.8 works fine
    thanks 😀

  10. birkallum
    August 18th, 2010 at 19:31 | #10

    Hey thanks for another quick update. Version 1.0.9 finds usb drive on Homebrew but still having problems with 1.04 channel. The drive powers down then powers up with a fairly long pause then nothing. However I went back to channel 1.02 and now it is finding usb drive almost every time and no longer powers down. Getting a lot more stack errors with ver. 1.0.9 then ver. 1.0.6 but now able to watch my movies again. Really appreciate all the work you guys do!!!

  11. s1sfa
    August 18th, 2010 at 19:38 | #11

    Ever since 1.08 my videos have had atleast 2 second audio delay and it can’t be fixed by tweaking the audio delay options in the video settings

  12. Nazar
    August 18th, 2010 at 20:30 | #12

    wow u are fast! i got notified there’s an update after launchin wiimc few hrs back, though main page of wiimc.org still showing 1.0.8 not till after few mins…thanks ext hdd working as pernormal…

  13. Naterz
    August 18th, 2010 at 20:59 | #13

    Eh…streaming av sync issues appear to be gone, but hd is still not detected. Oddly enough it was detected, albeit briefly (2-3 hours), under 1.0.8. I understand it’s hard to please everyone, thanks for the software.

  14. Floyd
    August 19th, 2010 at 00:43 | #14

    HDD is now detected but is a bit slower. Takes 2-3 seconds to load the HDD and to play files. Also buffering is slightly longer.

    Any reason why this version is a bit slower than 1.0.6?

    No more freezing and error code dumping as in 1.0.7 and 1.0.8 when playing video files.

    I think 1.0.6 is the most stable version but will try out 1.0.9 a bit longer. But all in all a big improvement on 1.0.7 and 1.0.8 =). Youtube search is very good.

    Thanks for your efforts and hopefully the next release can get back to the speeds of 1.0.6 =).

  15. alcab
    August 19th, 2010 at 03:15 | #15

    I’m having trouble with audio sync and video. Going back to v1.0.7.

    Thanks a lot for this amazing work!!


  16. Haiggoh
    August 19th, 2010 at 06:59 | #16

    It is true, the USB-access in 1.0.9 is slightly slower than in 1.0.6.

    The reason is not WiiMC itself, but IOS58. Many developers are now shifting to IOS58 instead of cIOS because its USB-Code was written by Nintendo and is therefore expected to be way more stable than patched code from Waninkoko or Hermes.

    However, cIOS202 offered faster USB-speed than IOS58 does. But the speed decreased so little that it will hardly become a problem for anyone using WiiMC.

    Love the new release by the way! 🙂

  17. Tantric
    August 19th, 2010 at 07:28 | #17

    Yes that’s true, the reason is the code has shifted to some new code that’s using IOS58. But it’s not IOS58 that’s slower, it’s that the code hasn’t been optimized to provide the best speed possible. However, as you note – it’s hardly noticeable.

  18. Floyd
    August 19th, 2010 at 07:56 | #18

    Ah I see, thanks for the responses guys. After a bit more testing, still getting error code dumps on video files that didn’t happen with 1.0.6 :/.

    Sticking with 1.0.6 but good work nonetheless. =)

  19. Pat
    August 19th, 2010 at 18:22 | #19

    Thanks for the quick fix, my NTFS partition shows up again.

    I haven’t seen anyone else mention this but, my FLV files aren’t showing up anymore ^^

  20. Pat
    August 19th, 2010 at 18:25 | #20

    Pat :
    Thanks for the quick fix, my NTFS partition shows up again.
    I haven’t seen anyone else mention this but, my FLV files aren’t showing up anymore ^^

    Scratch this comment, oversight on my part.

  21. williamdude1
    August 19th, 2010 at 23:03 | #21

    I’m glad that you fixed the mkv bug, but now all video files run at about 66% speed, while the audio is at 100%.
    This seems to affect all formats that I’ve used, be it mp4, avi, flv, or mkv.
    If it helps, I’m using an NTFS 1TB external.

  22. Mojo
    August 20th, 2010 at 17:23 | #22

    Hey how’s it goin everyone, my Wii is running v 3.3u i just downloaded WiiMC 1.0.9 and the channel installer 1.4 and IOS58, as soon as I load it up it says “Unable to change path to sd1:/apps/wiimc” what should I do to get it running?

  23. werewolferx
    August 20th, 2010 at 17:38 | #23

    Just notice something that none has complain, the Youtube support, it works for playing the videos, but if you let any video play till it ends, the program just crashes, you can’t press any key, you can’t turn the console off as usual (need to do the 5 seconds trick), resetting the console is not working only fully shutting the Wii.

    And as my usual complain, but still looks that is only a small group that are complaining about it… The FTP access is still not fully working, there’s still a problem to access a simple FTP, have tried almost all FTP daemons on my PC and the problem is the same, Wii “tries” to connect but shows only a blank folder with no files, only the Go Up One Level (Back) option, if you keep trying (probably 4 or 5 times) you’ll end up that you connect and everything seems normal, but if you go out and back in again, you need to repeat.

    Seems the FTP problem is related to faulty Internet Connection init, because all FTP daemons show up in the log that after WiiMC is asking for the directory structure, it is not waiting for it, just close the FTP connection and the server has no one to send to.

    Hope this info helps this great program, I really admire Tantric work with all GX projects and WiiMC. 🙂

  24. sonknuck23
    August 20th, 2010 at 20:58 | #24

    Youtube works fine for me and I’m thrilled it was added, but if you try to skip ahead in a video or something it totally freezes (but the music keeps playing?) and I even have to hard-shut off the Wii completely. Strange.

  25. Ed
    August 21st, 2010 at 06:55 | #25

    Anyway, thanks! I’ve tested a lot of players. WiiMc is the best so far and the developers dont forget about it and keep updating it! Thanks a lot.

    I have one – or two – doubt. Is there a problem if I use a 1GB SD while playing over the SMS (buffering). Can it crash? Sd has little storage capacity. Its possible to add shadow to the font of the subtitles ?? Thanks!

  26. Mojo
    August 21st, 2010 at 09:13 | #26

    my Wii is running v 3.3u i just downloaded WiiMC 1.0.9 and the channel installer 1.4 and IOS58, as soon as I load it up it says “Unable to change path to sd1:/apps/wiimc” what should I do to get it running?

  27. Felix
    August 21st, 2010 at 12:27 | #27

    good work!!!

  28. Alato
    August 21st, 2010 at 12:52 | #28

    Just wanted to be one of the many people thanking you for an awesome piece of software.
    It’s so pretty that it makes me want to use it, even if I don’t feel like watching anything. And I finally got SMB working, so that’s awesome.

    A few questions though; What would be the cause of a video playing completely in black, only playing the audio? That’s what happens when I try playing How to train your Dragon.
    Also, the video in some movies lag behind the audio. Is there any way to fix that?

  29. João
    August 21st, 2010 at 21:46 | #29

    Audio and Video are out of Sync now. Tested watching a movie via Wireless from my computer.

  30. João
    August 21st, 2010 at 22:35 | #30

    I installed 1.08 and verified that there is no Audio/Video Sync problem in 1.0.8.

  31. Mojo
    August 22nd, 2010 at 00:20 | #31

    Can someone tell me how to fix my problem plz? I just really wanna test it out

  32. IrSasquatch
  33. Nikola
    August 22nd, 2010 at 02:58 | #33

    I’ve had that problem before. I’ve been trying to load it from a 512mb SD card which was almost full (~10-15mb free) and kept getting the same error. Then I deleted a lot of stuff, almost everything (50mb used) and it loaded successfully. First I thought it was because I deleted the MPlayer CE, but as soon as I filled the card again it showed the same error on every start up.

    I hope my comment is useful to you 🙂

  34. Kenji
    August 22nd, 2010 at 05:13 | #34

    I was holding fast to 1.04 for a long time, waiting for all the USB issues to be ironed out. I decided to at last take the plunge with 1.09.

    A lot of the new features are nice, but the performance seems to have taken a major hit. I noticed some framedropping even while watching SD TV shows encoded with XviD. Most tellingly, 1.04 could play 720p files (encoded with XviD) absolutely perfectly. On 1.09, they are choppy to the point of unwatchability.

    Is this something that’s likely to be fixed in future releases?

  35. Rafael
    August 22nd, 2010 at 11:05 | #35

    When i try to install chanell 1.4 the instalation load ios36 and cant instal the channel. I try the 1.3 e 1.4 and show the same error. I’m using Wii 4.1U, IOS58, WiiMC 1.0.9

  36. Tantric
    August 22nd, 2010 at 14:58 | #36

    You must be running HBC 1.0.8, and I’d recommend you make sure it’s using IOS58.

  37. Rafael
    August 22nd, 2010 at 15:04 | #37

    I’m using HBC 1.0.8, but how i see if using IOS58?

  38. Rafael
    August 22nd, 2010 at 15:57 | #38

    I’m instal IOS58 then HBC 1.0.8 then Chanell 1.4 and WiiMC 1.0.9 but the videos on SMB share ha problems with the audio sync…

  39. ERK
    August 22nd, 2010 at 16:06 | #39

    Hi – just wanted to save Tantric *hail the master* some time 🙂

    So this is for you @Rafael: Start the Homebrew Channel and press the home-button. In the top right corner, you can see the version of HBC, which should be 1.0.8, and just below that the IOS it is currently using. It SHOULD say IOS58 and a version number. If not, I am guessing that you have IOS58 installed, but that HBC is not using it as of yet. In that case need to reinstall HBC. To do this, simply download the 1.0.8-version and reinstall it. Download (and installation details) at http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Homebrew_Channel

    Hope this helps 🙂

    Once again – Thank you Tantric for such AMAZING, sweet-looking, free software for the WII!!!

  40. ERK
    August 22nd, 2010 at 16:10 | #40

    Rafael :
    I’m instal IOS58 then HBC 1.0.8 then Chanell 1.4 and WiiMC 1.0.9 but the videos on SMB share ha problems with the audio sync…

    Double post!! 😀 whoops :p Well – I had sync problems with 1.0.9 as well… Try WIIMC 1.0.8. The only frustrating thing about using earlier / more stable versions, is that you are prompted for automatic updates at every program start, and that this feature cannot be disabled 🙁

  41. Mojo
    August 22nd, 2010 at 16:12 | #41

    I got it workin, all I did was switch the lock switch from unlocked to locked and it started workin, but then I switched it back and it’s still running, I don’t kno, very wierd, but WiiMC is cool now I can watch all my movies off my external hd, thanks a lot guys

  42. Rafael
    August 22nd, 2010 at 16:20 | #42


    Yes, i do this and now work the chanell 😀

    but now with the wiimc 1.0.9 the sync of SMB videos as trouble…i downgrade to 1.0.8 and sync is fine 😀

  43. Mike
    August 23rd, 2010 at 01:21 | #43

    it find my hdd again but now i have problem with sound delay on a lot of films.
    Go back to 1.07 again ! sniff

    is it possible to have no message to ask update ?

  44. Chus
    August 23rd, 2010 at 01:22 | #44

    Hi! Same trouble that the oder guys… With 1.0.9 everything works fine except that syncs between video and audio have a delay… Any idea? Thanks a lot!

  45. Mike
    August 23rd, 2010 at 01:31 | #45

    hum, i have the same problem with audio delay on some films with 1.07, maybe it’s ios58 the problem ?

    wait and see …

    thanks for your great job

  46. Skoopman
    August 23rd, 2010 at 03:23 | #46

    Went back to 1.0.8 because 1.0.9 brought some audio delays with many files.

  47. lucasanti
    August 23rd, 2010 at 13:05 | #47

    I have a problem with mkv file encoded with H264: video is slow and audio is not synced with video. Is this a performance issue related to Wii ?

  48. lucasanti
    August 23rd, 2010 at 13:10 | #48

    I am using HBC 1.0.8 with last IOS58

  49. Tantric
    August 23rd, 2010 at 15:12 | #49

    Yes, it’s a limitation of the Wii.

  50. victor
    August 24th, 2010 at 09:59 | #50

    i`m having problems with RMVB files, they are all unsynchronized , but other files work well. any ideas of what is it?

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