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  • in reply to: Why some veetle links don’t work ? #29002

    does anyone else only has the same 13 channels everytime on veetle? these are the first five that i have:
    UFL replay: ohama etc.
    teletibur channel
    african culture, dance ,others etc.
    2011 SAP open finals recap

    i used to have like 30 channels and different ones change everyday. now i just have 13 channels and it never changes. help plz thanks

    in reply to: invalid video link? #29393

    i uninstalled real debrid and now its fine! i can “watch directly” again. and im sorry if i was rude in my comment i really need to control my temper. god bless u for ur hard work to entertain others for free ximarx

    in reply to: invalid video link? #29386

    but the megavideo links i add are perfectly fine and valid , its only the browse section and on the wiimc that says invalid link. so dont u think something wrong with the vlcshares? u think chaltier and i are stupid for not checking if the link we add is broken?

    in reply to: VLCShares 0.5.3 #28632

    i dont have a language folder in my directory or the ini file. shouldnt i have it when i ran the command? step 6 didnt work for and i think thats why. my file is not there when i got to index collections (browse).

    in reply to: VLCShares 0.5.3 #28631

    but i just thought u meant that the texts exist like in the picture but the source codes are empty , so i just misunderstood. no need to get a fit about it. and u also said:
    Copy the value inside the $ neededLinks * of dev_bootstrap.php file

    so i then copied the $neededLinks texts from dev_bootstrap and pasted it on dev_cleanup. whats the sin i committed? like i said im not very smart and im doing my best to get this right, so as much as i appreciate ur help, plz dont talk down on me, ok?

    in reply to: VLCShares 0.5.3 #28629

    i need help. i completed step 3 but when i open DubbedEpisodes.php, its totally empty. no texts. this is the dir:
    VLCSHARESDEV_BASEDIR/ extra/ plugins/ dubbedepisodes/ library/ X/ VlcShares/ Plugins/ DubbedEpisodes.php

    here is what i did in dev_bootstrap.php:

    $neededLinks = array(
    $basePath.’/public/images/DubbedEpisodes/’ => APPLICATION_PATH.’/../public/images/DubbedEpisodes’,
    $basePath.’/languages/en_GB.ini’ => APPLICATION_PATH.’/../languages/en_GB.ini’,

    $pluginsIncludes = array(

    $pluginInstance_pluginKey = ‘dubbedepisodes’;
    $pluginInstance_pluginClass = ‘X_VlcShares_Plugins_DubbedEpisodes’;

    i also completed dev_cleanup.php, i copied and pasted $neededLinks.
    help me plz. thanks.

    in reply to: VLCShares 0.5.3 #28627

    im looking at the giude and im stuck at step 3. after i run this on cmd:
    php.bat create-plugin.php dubbedepisodes-k-n-dubbedepisodes and plugins, languages, images

    but then this comes up:

    [EEE] Plugin key and name must be specified

    also i dont understand what i have to do on in step 1 and 2. do i have to do something in those steps first?

    in reply to: VLCShares 0.5.3 #28625

    hi there, i just checked ur new link on making a new plugin and its really long!! so when will it be finished and translated to english? let me know plz. thanks

    in reply to: VLCShares 0.5.3 #28622

    ah so ur a italian? you have very good english though, its impressive…
    thanks for puting effort to help me, ur too kind. gracius! 🙂

    in reply to: VLCShares 0.5.3 #28621

    lol!! how on gods earth do i know what code or sequel to type on the notepad+ for the specific website i want? because u didnt explain squat cheese in ur manual on how to do that. i dont know how to do this i have learning difficulties, can u please do it for us? i wont ask for anything else.

    in reply to: VLCShares 0.5.3 #28618

    i copied the source codes of icefilms and replaced the words with DubbedEpisodes. but it wouldnt install the plugin.
    can u help me please, this website is brilliant for anime fans since its all english dubbed and plays normal stream instead of megavideo.
    i cant do this unless i have studied programmimg, or maybe im just stupid?
    i would really appreciate it plz. thanks buddy 😀

    in reply to: VLCShares 0.5.3 #28615

    i read the manual and its so confusing! its to hard to understand how to create the php with the details of the website i want. it only explains how to make a message on the dashboard.
    is their an easier way? or is there a manual of examples on how to create a php of a website rather then a message?

    in reply to: VLCShares 0.5.3 #28612

    ok cool no worries. but just one more thing……can i have a link that i like to watch videos? e.g. DBZ website? theres a naruto plugin already but i would love a dbz plugin.
    can it be done? thanks for the reply (sorry if im being a pain ) 😳

    in reply to: VLCShares 0.5.3 #28610

    wow thanks alot!! and sorry for spamming the debug error lol!
    just one more thing…….on ice films…
    on the wiimc, it doesnt show all the videos like it should show on the internet. for instance, if i go on film index and then the B letter, it only show like half the movies up to “Bi”.#
    shouldnt there be a next page or something? tell me what u think plz, sorry if im being fussy.
    and thanks again!

    in reply to: VLCShares 0.5.3 #28609

    i managed to solve the problem, i reinstalled it again and now it works. and i found the debug.log so thanks.

    just one more thing, i cant seem to accesss the videos of animeFTW. it only happens when i log in, and of course u cant watch the videos unless u log in. here is the debug.log:

    Edit by ximarx: log removed

    i dont know if this is helpfull, but this is the error message from the browse section of localsite:

    Edit by ximarx: log removed

    hope this helps to solve the error. thanks 😛

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